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tv   On the Money  NBC  July 13, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT

12:30 am
thinking quickly and, you know, focusing. i've had to--that's been my, like, fight for my whole life is just focusing, focusing my attention and dedicating myself to something if you really want to do it. - well, you're going to be an inspiration to lots of people. okay, that's done to a "t," that is. i'm warning you, they're pretty bony. you basically munch through all of the ribs. leave the backbone and then just chew all the ribs. - a lot, i guess. chew them pretty good. - yep, that bit is pretty raw still. [laughter] it tastes good. - oh. [chuckles] - just got to munch through the ribs. - just like fish. - yeah. why do they always say, "it tastes like chicken"? i'm always thinking, "where are these guys getting their chicken from?" - yeah. - because that sucks. - that is completely terrible chicken. it was a lot bonier than i thought it was going to be.
12:31 am
i was like, "we're going to eat bones? hmm." - it doesn't get better than this. - mmm. i'm going to wash this down with some water. this is terrible. - it's delicious. lucky it was a big snake. we got lots of it. - oh. - so we're going to find somewhere a bit smarter to spend the night... that ledge just down there. - i move around a lot, and i will roll right off of this. - yeah, let's not roll out of bed, but this is good. - this is not going to be a very comfortable night.
12:32 am
we're searing up our... new sirloin portabella. just $13.99 for a limited time. we let the bold flavors of the outback. speak for themselves. outback steakhouse. done right. hi! what happened to your hair? i got it. walgreens has all you need to keep it all under control. from a little touch-up... come on, guys! to finding that perfect finishing touch... to making memories at the touch of a button. all without missing a beat. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. but you have to use the wholer portion of data from the current month before you use the rollover portion from the previous month. and that portion resets after one month. all i want is something unlimited
12:33 am
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12:34 am
the new maple bacon chicken piadini. only at applebee's. findintroducing gaiam -'s - startnow at kohl's!day! new active and yoga apparel for your practice, workout, and everyday plus yoga mats and much more to help you stay fit and discover their inner hero with new marvel apparel bold tees, tanks and leggings for the girls superhero tees and tanks for the guys and don't forget something for the little superhero too plus, you'll earn kohl's cash save on what's new at kohl's starting thursday find your yes kohl's
12:35 am
which means this is going to be a bad place to camp. the problem with sleeping on a summit is that you're very exposed. you're exposed to weather. lightning hits the tops of peaks, a dangerous place to be. so i want to find us somewhere out of the wind and away from the storm. so we're going to find somewhere a bit smarter to spend the night. - okay. - my shout would be... that ledge just down there. - this is crazy. this is not where i thought i would be sleeping. - let's do it. - all right, done. - yeah, it's about 30 foot under the summit. it's a little ledge that's probably about maybe yay wide, but just about snug enough for two. okay, this is old school. we're just literally going around this rock and then i'm going to lower you down. friction from the rock will hold it. once you're down, then i'll come down.
12:36 am
- [laughs] you've got to be kidding. - that's good. keep taking it. as it gets steeper, just lean on the rope. - use the rope. - there you go. - whoo! - that's good, keep leaning back. okay, good. - lord, have mercy. help me. oh, yeah! - good, nice. how's it look? room for two? - ha! yep, good to go. - okay. that's good. if you make yourself safe there, i'll tie it off, and i'll come down to you. - copy. [chuckles] oh, man, that's where we're sleeping? we're on basically just a straight sheer drop. i mean, if you go over this, that's a wrap. like, that's it. - okay, that's tied off. i'm coming down to you.
12:37 am
- you just looked so much cooler than i looked going down that. - yeah, let's not roll out of bed. but this is good. we're gonna be out of the wind. if that storm comes over us, we're safe from lightning. i like it. - i move around a lot in my sleep, so i'm going to leash myself to bear. so, if i roll down this mountain as we sleep tonight, he's coming with me. - the thing is you get used to the exposure after a bit. you know, you look down and it's kind of just cool, rather than scary. - i, uh-- - but it takes a little bit of time. - yeah, i'm not there quite just yet. you got to be kidding me. - but this is how a lot of climbers sleep on these big faces. you know, they go up and find a little ledge. you clip in and get some rest, ready to carry on out the next day. - oh, this is going to be so comfy. - okay, so that's our pillow. - yeah. [grunts] - the sun's almost gone, but once it totally goes, it will get cold. so what we do is put our feet in the backpack, okay? so it's like a mini improvised sleeping bag.
12:38 am
- just for your feet. - we got a decent pillow. hood up. ugh. - oh. - and actually, this is pretty nice. just don't roll over. got a big day tomorrow. well done today. - cheers, mate. - [snoring] - [whispering] this guy keeps snoring. i don't understand how he's sleeping right now. i can't--i'm never going to be able to sleep on this cliff. this is ridiculous. bear? - you all right, dude? you okay? - mm-hmm. - you're filming. - yes, i'm-- - oh, man, you're a lunatic. - i don't know what i'm going to do all night.
12:39 am
- [snoring] - [normal voice] it was pretty interesting, sleeping on a 3-foot cliff with bear grylls. i can say that i've done that now. - so how did you sleep? - mm, it was more of a meditative terror. - yeah, yeah. - the stars were amazing. i got to stare at them for, basically, 12 hours. so that was nice, because i didn't get any sleep. - the mission today-- we got to keep going this way, which means, first of all, we've got to get down this baby. - lord, have mercy. - so from where we slept, we've got about a 600-foot rappel down back to the forest. i've got a limited amount of rope. i also can't see over the overhang. the difficult thing is, once you're over it, you are committed. what we're gonna do, we're gonna rappel, but we're going to do a tandem rappel together. - all right, okay. - have you rappelled before? - one time. that's it. - nice. - and a long time ago... very, very long time ago.
12:40 am
rappelling off of however high this is on no sleep is going to be-- i'm going to need another pair of underpants afterwards, i think. - i've had to survive different terrains from all over the world, from the jungles of panama to the high mountains of canada, and as the scouts say, "it's all about being prepared." so choose your gear for the terrain you're going to. going off trail in a heavy forest, you need a hatchet for fire building and shelter making and a machete to bushwhack your way through dense jungle conditions. and that's my tip of the week brought to you by walmart, where you'll find everything you need to make great outdoor memories. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number, don't miss the final days of the lowest prices of the season. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore.
12:41 am
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12:42 am
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12:44 am
- okay, you want to do the - what's that?ng? - big old throw. whoa. - shh-- - okay, so you're tied on. i'm a little bit nervous for channing because he hasn't done, you know, this sort of thing before. but as long as all of this works and holds, then, you know, we should be all right. we're set to go. you ready to do it? - yeah. so what, sit back?
12:45 am
- okay, lean back, put our weight on it. - [giggles] hi, mom. love you. don't ever do this. whoa. [laughter] - okay, i'm going to have a cheeky look down behind me. - hoyah! - new set of underpants for mr. tatum! - oh, there's a ledge. - let's get to that ledge. - hanging, like, on the face of this ginormous granite slab of a cliff, i'm just like, "this is pretty crazy." [laughter] whoa! - that's good. how you doing? - good. i'm all right so far.
12:46 am
i'm really stepping all over you. sorry. - he was kind of buzzing, and he was nervous but totally under control. he kind of likes this stuff. i get that sense. - whoo, whoo! - okay, whoa. we've got a ledge. that's good. it looks like we're about halfway, i reckon. okay, you ready to do this next bit? - uh, yeah. i mean, i guess as ready as anyone's ever-- [whimpers, giggles] - the thing with domes-- obviously, they're kind of going like this. so when you look down, it's pretty scary. - this is like a legit ledge. - yeah, this one's got a little overhang to it. - [laughs] ooh. - so this is the bit where we find out whether this rope reaches the bottom or not.
12:47 am
- what's the protocol if it doesn't? - then we start getting creative. okay, i think the safer thing for me to do is for me to go first, okay? then as long as i reach the bottom, i know it's good for you to come down. - all right. - okay. - should i hold on to something? - you're going to be rappelling yourself. the key is, keep it under control. you're your own safety on this. okay. - mm-hmm. - so control it. do not let go with this hand, genuinely, all right? - yeah. - good. - i've never done safety mountain stuff. that hand is going to be on there. this hand is going to be here. - okay. - all right, so put your hand there. - he sort of just tells you what the dangers are, and you sort of go, "okay, "i'll just do whatever you say and whatever. we'll see how it goes." - nice wide stance, confidence. i gave him, like, the crash course in rappelling. it lasted about six seconds. lean back. it'll be great. - all right. - got it?
12:48 am
- yeah...ish. bear just goes to the edge, and that's--that's it. - see you later. - oh, my god. well, there went the person that's been pretty much doing everything for me. one thing that's actually really shocking on this-- on this whole expedition is the amount of explanation that you actually get before you actually have to do something that your life is in serious peril. it's like one time, and if you don't have a photographic memory, you just kind of have to freestyle it after that, which is... it's fun, i guess. - i'm just always a little nervous leaving someone on their own, because he's only ever done it in tandem with me. but he'll be all right. he's a smart guy. yeah.
12:49 am
- you know when something feels like a really good idea and then something all of a sudden feels like a bad idea? that's right now. - you keep going directly down, and then we'll just kind of pendulum across the last bit. he needs to commit to that pendulum. if you're tentative, he's not going to reach it. one, two, three, let's go. big run. ooh - ten piece chicken big mac, mcnuggets!ken salad. minions: (speaking in minionese) this summer, come play like a minion! with minion mania at mcdonald's. peel your game piece to reveal instant win food prizes... trips to universal theme parks... and 4 weekly drawings for a chance to win $250,000. it's a summer full of minions and lovin', at mcdonald's. (minions): ♪ ba da ba ba ba
12:50 am
♪ now your favorite ranch has a fresh new taste so crisp, you'll be surprised it doesn't crunch. introducing hidden valley's new cucumber ranch. just one of our delicious ranch flavors. you need to eat this special. kellogg's special k... made with whole grains and fiber to help a body thrive. ♪ folic acid and vitamin d... to make a body feel this good.
12:51 am
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test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test etest test etest etest etest test test test test test test test test test test test test test etest etest test test test test test etest test test test frrs . - yeah.
12:53 am
whoa. i have to swing into this bit. basically, the rope ran out and about 20 feet to my right is this, like, little ledge. so the only way of doing it is to stop before the rope runs through and then just do a big pendulum, and it just about reached that ledge. okay, buddy! it reaches, but only just! - [scoffs] awesome? - it's going to be great! - you have another pair of underwear down there, you said, for sure? ready? - go for it. - whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. - great, you're looking like a rock star.
12:54 am
- i watched cliffhanger, like, a ton before i came out on this. - okay, so, if you keep going directly down and then we'll just--you have to kind of pendulum across the last bit. okay, so, if you kind of come a little bit more and then go left and then run hard right. he needs to commit to that pendulum. if you're tentative, he's not going to reach it. one, two, three, let's go. big run. and release yourself down. - whoo! - that's it. i got you. you got it, you got it. still going, you're down, get down. - ah! - i love it. - [laughs] mwah! - we've probably got another 80 foot down to the bottom. so we're so close, but we're not quite there. it might be time for my emergency rope because we're out. - oh, god. - so we're out of rope. i always carry a little supply of extra rope just for these occasions. i don't often break into the emergency gear,
12:55 am
but the good thing is, you did that so well, i reckon this last leg... you should earn your commando badge. and we're going to do a forward rappel, which is cool. what i'm going to get him to do now is do a forward rappel. and this is a classic thing that british commandos do. it's a confidence test. you tie in and you rappel down these cliffs facing forward and it's like, "whoa!" that ground's coming fast. it's totally unnecessary and totally fun and i know channing's going to love it. and this is what commandos do down these cliff faces where you, like-- you just run down them forward. - i've seen it in movies. at least my face will hit, and it will just be over quickly if anything bad happens. [scoffs] - that's a long way down. figure of eight first in the rope, like you practiced. - i'm trying to tie a knot that i've never tied before,
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and there's no secondaries. i mean, in stunt work and stuff on movies, sometimes you'll have like a secondary system or something, but this is just, you know, me and bear on a rope on a cliff. - i love it. and then that clips on the little one. - he actually had me hook his figure-eight thingy in, and i was like, "this is a terrible idea. i've only see you do this, like, once." - you're facing forward... and then you just go. - just go. how's he doing that? okay, now i'm nervous. if you start slipping, you're just going to-- it's just going to be a skating rink all the way down to the bottom.
12:57 am
whoo! - you're earning your commando badge now. - this is actually awesome. - easy. - whoo! yes, sir. - well done. you've earned it. we're both on the ground, and for me, this is always a relief when finally we get on the ground. and, uh, channing, he did it. i'm telling you, he's a veritable stallone. there you go. watch out. it's red hot, but stick that on your mantelpiece. that can be a memory. - done and done. - you've done well. nice job. - that was just unbelievably exhilarating. the top was scary. the top was really scary. - you're toughening up. you're pretty tough to start. so that's good. we're safe, but we're not out yet. we've still got a little bit of travel to our extraction point. it's through the forest, and then we want to go out with a bang. okay, we need to pick up the pace a little bit, channing. otherwise, we're going to miss this extraction. all we're looking for is a good clearing.
12:58 am
we'll make a big old signal fire... and that will be the marker for them to come and get us. let's get some of this. this will all make lots of smoke. [helicopter approaches] there he goes, the chopper! he's seen us, he's coming around. okay, follow me, channing. - he always ends in a very interesting way, and it's never the way he came in. so i can't even imagine what's ahead. - getting you out of here! you okay? - yeah. whoo-hoo! you got to be [bleep] kidding. ah! [laughs] i just literally took off hanging from the bottom of a helicopter with bear grylls. whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! i'm good. i'm done. check the box. drop the mic. i'm good. [laughs]
12:59 am
absolutely, brother. unbelievable. absolutely, brother. - well, you've done so well. - thanks, brother. - you really have. you killed it. - oh, this is insane. - i think what i love about channing is, you know, yes, he's mega talented and all of that, but more importantly, he loves to have fun. he's a family man, but also occasionally he likes to tickle the belly of mother nature and a bit of danger, and i dig that.
1:00 am
>> jenner debut. letterman sign off. dugger backlash and cosby down fall. it has been a wild 2015 and we are only halfway through it. welcome to "access hollywood", weekend edition and special mid year round up and liz joining me is funny or die brian and entertainment reporter neon a parker. guy this is has been an insane year. let's start with the biggest family in entertainment. kardashian jenner and the big announcemen announcement. >> fwll do you begin. >> i just say i really like this family now. they don't annoy me nearly as much as they used to. what a bold move from katie couric lynn


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